An Ongoing Conversation on Poetry

An Ongoing Conversation on Poetry
Oxford Union Library, Oxford University

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Writing Group Is Announced

A Writing Group Is Announced

Sorry for the cheesy rip-off of the Agatha Christie title, but I couldn’t help myself.

In January of this year, we started a poetry writing group in the Monmouth County, New Jersey area. In Eatontown, at the Eatontown Public Library, to be precise. The purpose of this group was, and still is, to provide a supportive environment for local working poets from the Monmouth County area to write, as well as to provide information, feedback and support.

We have met once a month at the Eatontown Library since January and have chosen a name for ourselves. We are The Jersey Shore Poets, not to be confused with the television show of almost the same name, and with no relation. (No point in making a Situation out of it.)

The group is still open to anyone who is interested in writing poetry in a “productive” environment. And, while it has slowly developed a character of its own, it is still a work in progress, with the flexibility to respond to the ever-changing needs of the group.

Once again, while I know that this is an unusual use of this blog to announce the formation of a writing group, I am taking advantage of the generosity of the website New Jersey Poets and Poetry ( who posts my blog in their Blog Roll, to circulate the information about the formation and the progress of this new group.

As always, anyone wishing to participate in this new enterprise can contact me at, and I will answer any questions they might have, as well as provide them the particulars, and the where and when of our regular meetings.