An Ongoing Conversation on Poetry

An Ongoing Conversation on Poetry
Oxford Union Library, Oxford University

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do I See A Rainbow?

Do I See A Rainbow?
Christopher Bogart

Do I see a rainbow
in puddles of melted snow?

Does the mirrored water show
a season yet to come
while flora still sleeps
under mounds of white below?

While woodland animals lumber ‘round
weighted down by white caked limbs,
blood thickened by biting cold,
do I see this season getting old?

Is that patch of pale mold
forming on that tree bark
really beginning to burst with sparks
of new green life?

Is the air really rife with squeaking avian sounds,
or is that just the rusty hinge of an old screen door,
as it drags the mounded snow around
over the back deck floor?

Is the woodland whiteness really
turning brown, more and more?

Is that a rainbow I see
in that puddle of melting snow?

How long is it now
before winter finally goes?

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