Panis Angelicus
Christopher Bogart
Introate ad altare dei.
Approach the altar of God.
Understand the history.
Seek the mystery
Of the Word made Flesh –
Et verbum caro factus est.
Filium Dei, uni genitum.
He is the only begotten Son
Of the sons of God.
The Only One.
Et homo factus est.
And from the town of bread
Came the Bread of our Salvation.
Hoc est enim
Corpus meum.
His est enim
Sanguinis mei.
He is the Vine,
Bleeding rich wine,
Red rills for your redemption.
Red rain falls
Within wheaten walls,
For He was crucified in strife
To win for us eternal life.
The forces of the darkness fight,
Grasping from eternal night,
Swirling ‘round in Red and White,
Reaching for the Son of Light.
Cherubim and Seraphim,
Raise their voices
O’er battle’s din,
To one great voice
Compelled from within:
Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus.
Lord God of Hosts.
Dominus deus
Fill heaven and earth
With all Your Glory.
Fill life’s canvas
With this story.
Do these things in memory of Him.
Come and let Him dwell within,
For in Him there is peace from strife –
In Him is Eternal Life.
Now the Angels’ voice depletes.
Now the mystery is complete.
Give your deo gratias.
For now the Bread belongs to us.
Thanks be to God.
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