An Ongoing Conversation on Poetry

An Ongoing Conversation on Poetry
Oxford Union Library, Oxford University

Monday, June 28, 2010

Deep Green Dreams

Deep Green Dreams
Christopher Bogart

There is a certain green,
a bright young shade
that newly budded leaves become
before deepening into a more mature
and darker hue.

There is almost a blueness in the fur
of every evergreen,
a blueness that seems
to seep through the sap
and permeate the air around it.

When streetlights shine through summer leaves,
they display a shade of gold,
like the light off an emerald, that
filters through to secure safety
on a darkened street.

There is profound somberness when
Nature mixes mood,
the blue from the sky
and the green of the leaves,
to create a color both ancient and secure.

This green coats the walls that
envelope me each night
in each tree, each lawn,
Each forest I have ever seen,
singing a silent lullaby
as I slip away,
deep in the seams of
deep green dreams.

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